All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for a DB test case with the DB initialized from a IDatabaseTester.
Base class for a parallelized DB test case with the DB initialized from an XML file.
Base class for a DB test case with the DB initialized from an XML file.
Data object for a user account.
ContextMapper for LDAP accounts.
Rate limit key based on a method argument.
Performs a delete-all-then-insert operation for the data set.
Spring Boot auto configuration for the caching feature.
A service demonstrating the usage of Resilience4j's CircuitBreaker.
Class method parameter considering key generator.
Helper class to half-reliably extract the "real" client IP address.
Model class for log data entry.
Spring Boot auto configuration for the I18N feature.
Controller handling client side log data (i.e.
Spring Boot auto configuration for the common feature.
Controller for the /crypto resource.
Spring Boot auto configuration for the Content Security Policy (CSP) feature.
Controller for the /csp resource.
Configuration properties for the Content Security Policy (CSP) feature.
Servlet for handling (i.e.
Controller for the /csrf resource.
Filter to bind the Spring Security CsrfToken value to a Cookie to be consumed by client JS code (e.g.
Determines which operations are performed on setup and teardown of each test case.
Provides the data set of the test case as well as a name for it.
The configuration properties necessary for configuring dbUnit.
Spring Boot auto configuration for the dbunit feature.
Configuration properties for the dbUnit feature.
ApplicationListener which configures EhCache specific system properties on application startup.
Mime message for sending mail where the To header is overwritten with the overrideToAddress and the Cc and Bcc headers are removed.
Provides a data set from a DataSetProvider.getDataSetName()-db.xml-file in FlatXML format, and allows for using an update data set from a DataSetProvider.getDataSetName()-update-db.xml-file if desired.
Spring Boot auto configuration for the I18N feature.
Configuration properties for the FOP feature.
Provides convenience methods for working with Apache FOP.
Entry point for the Girders Admin Server demo application.
Entry point for the Girders Admin Server demo application.
Marker interface to detect if this module is in the classpath.
Configuration properties for the mail feature.
Implements the Girders mail sender.
Controller for the root resource.
Spring Boot auto configuration for the I18N feature.
Configuration for the internationalization.
Configuration properties for the I18N feature.
Controller for the /jdbc resource.
Does two things related to jsessionid: redirects (HTTP 301) requests with jsessionid in URL to clean version, prevents rendering of jsessionid in URLs for outgoing links.
LogFormatter which prints HTTP request/responses as a JSON object on a single line.
Controller for the /ldap resource.
Configuration properties for the LDAP pooling feature.
Spring Boot auto configuration for the LDAP feature.
Supported formats for the logging of REST template client requests.
Abstraction for a log formatter of HTTP requests/responses.
ClientHttpRequestInterceptor that logs both request and response.
Controller for the auth resources.
Encapsulates form data required for sending an email.
Spring Boot auto configuration for the mail feature.
Controller for the mail resource.
Decorator for a MessageSource that provides additional functionality for debugging and profiling text resources.
Configuration for the Open API documentation.
Provides data management for parallelized tests.
View for PDFs based on PDFbox.
LogFormatter which pretty prints HTTP request/responses in a textual, human readable way over multiple lines.
Data transfer object for a project.
Repository for access to the Projects database.
Annotation used to apply a rate limit to a method execution.
Auto configuration for annotation based rate limit support.
Controller for the rate-limit resource.
Exception thrown when a RateLimit is exceeded.
Aspect for applying a rate limit.
Key part of a rate limit ID resolved for a RateLimit by a RateLimitKeyResolver.
Interface for resolving a rate limit key.
Annotation for repeated RateLimits.
Exception thrown when parsing a rate limit (i.e.
Parser for rate limit specs.
Component for retrieving rate limit values.
Rate limit key resolver for HTTP servlet request data.
Spring Boot auto configuration customizing RestTemplate to log requests and responses.
Configuration for the logging REST template.
Controller for the rest-template-logging resource.
ConfigurationProperties for the REST template logging.
This appender is able to retain log messages in an internal non-persistent buffer and dump them if a severe log event occurred.
Configuration for the Spring Boot Admin Server application.
Configuration for the security layer.
ServletExceptionLoggingFilter adds exception logging capability.
Fixes the Spring loggers.
ApplicationListener which configures Terracotta specific system properties on application startup.
{HandlerInterceptor} that measures the time for the processing of the request and puts the result in the request context.
A vendor specific data source.
Configuration for the web layer.
Servlet filter that adds mapped diagnostic context (MDC) to the logging output.