
Spring Boot Actuators are a module of Spring Boot that provide production-ready features for administrating and monitoring Spring Boot applications. Girders builds on these features and provides customizations as well as additional actuators for Spring Boot. We strongly recommend using these features.

Detailed information is available in the Spring Boot Actuators documentation. In this chapter, we will only mention a few features along with recommendations and examples on how to set things up.


Actuators provide information that includes internal details about the setup and configuration of the system, as well as provide access to functionality that is not intended for the public. Actuators therefore HAVE TO BE PROTECTED from illegitimate access. Spring Boot supports different mechanisms for this.

For Netcetera, we recommend limiting access to the actuator resources (/actuator/*) to internal IP ranges and to authenticated users.


Include the following dependency to use Spring Boot Actuators:


Your can add configuration for the actuators in your application configuration file (application.yml). For example:

    enabled-by-default: true
    web.exposure.include: '*'
    jmx.exposure.include: '*'
      show-details: when_authorized


The /actuator/info provides static information about the running application, including details such as the name, version etc. By default, Spring Boot picks up information from various sources:

Application Configuration

You can provide information for the /actuator/info endpoint in the configuration under the namespace. You are free to choose the structure that you like. We recommend adding the following properties:
  project: "your-project-id"
  name: ${project.artifactId}
  version: ${project.version}
  girders.version: ${girders.version}

The variables in the files are replaced at build-time by the resource-filtering of Apache Maven.

Build Information

With the build-info goal of the spring-boot-maven-plugin, you can generate a META-INF/ file at build-time. This file is picked up by Spring Boot and the information exposed in the /actuator/info endpoint.


Git Information

If you also want to add source code management information, you can use the git-commit-id-plugin Maven plugin and generate a file at build-time. This information is also picked up by Spring Boot and added to the /actuator/info endpoint.



The endpoint/actuator/health can be used to get status and health information about the application. Spring Boot comes with a lot of HealthIndicators out-of-the box that you can extend with your own implementations. We strongly recommend using this feature for the monitoring of your applications.

Check out the Spring Boot Documentation for more details.

You can also customize the health outputs by creating health groups. Check out the Spring Boot Health Groups Documentation for more information on how to set them up.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The custom Girders Health actuator (/actuator/health-filtered) has been removed and no longer supported in favor of Spring Boot Health Groups.