Spring Boot Admin Server

Spring Boot Admin Server is a community project that provides an admin interface for Spring Boot applications.

To learn more about Spring Boot Admin Server, visit the Spring Boot Admin GitHub page.

Check out the Girders Showcase Admin Application to see how to setup Spring Boot Admin application and configure your Girders application to connect to the SBA Server.

For a more detailed documentation and how to setup you application and Spring Boot Admin Server you can check out the Spring Boot Admin Reference Guide.


For detailed and latest information regarding authentication, refer to the Spring Boot Admin Reference Guide.

Spring Boot Admin Server

The Spring Boot Admin Server does not come with predefined authentication implementation. This is because there may be different authentication implementations and each depend on the use-case. The Girders team implemented one simple authentication configuration to showcase how this can work.

The implementation can be found in the SecurityConfiguration.java Spring configuration.

The Spring Boot Admin Server Showcase application requires authentication with username and password when using the UI application and when registering a Spring Boot instance. The username and password for authenticating to the SBA Server UI application is admin.

The authentication values for authenticating a Spring Boot instance to the Spring Boot Admin Server are configured in the application.yml properties file, under spring.boot.admin.client.username and spring.boot.admin.client.password.

Spring Boot instance

If the actuator endpoints in the Spring Boot instance are protected with authentication, the credentials for authentication should be provided as properties under spring.boot.admin.client.instance.metadata.user.name and spring.boot.admin.client.instance.metadata.user.password.