

Wordnet:    S: (n) girder (a beam made usually of steel; a main support in a structure)

Mission Statement

Girders is an open source Java application stack, developed and maintained by Netcetera. It consolidates dependencies, libraries and frameworks to be used in a project. Furthermore, it provides additional code, configuration and samples that aim at speeding up the development and maintenance of applications based on Girders.

Getting Started

If you are new to Girders 6 and not familiar with Spring Boot, we recommend that you first study the documentation and guides of Spring Boot. Girders 6 is based on Spring Boot and relies heavily on its design and the concepts. Next we recommend you have a quick look at the concepts of Girders 6.

From here on, we recommend the quickstart guide.


If you are already a seasoned user of Girders, you can head straight to the features documentation or the section about advanced topics.